Lyrics: Run
Friday, August 7, 2009
Lyrics: Lyrics to songs that I have written, and what they mean to me... for those who are interested or otherwise care!
** BE WARNED: These posts are likely long and full of self pandering nonsense! **
As this is the first post of this type, I will have to go with possibly one of the oldest songs that I have written...
CONTEXT: This song is one of a handful of songs which were written around 2003/2004, that still exist in our present day set list. I call this period of my life the 'Irene' period, adaptly named after my ex with whom I had an unhealthy obsession at the time!
TITLE: "RUN" by Nobody
'Run' is a song about escape, and uses that rather atypical cliche of running away. It was written during a difficult period of my relationship at time, for both parties, and oddly in part by both parties.
[Verse 1]
1 Run away from the past
2 Broken parts and shattered glass
3 All the same, all the time
4 It's like I've walked this path, this line
5 Too long...
In hindsight, Verse 1 was an expression of how I felt trapped by routine. Whilst I was at the time deeply in love with my ex, I now know that I am not innately an individual who settles well into a pattern. It does crazy things to my head, causing me to focus too hard on the available aspects of my life. Of course, since those days, the words themselves have taken on a new meaning and became more reflective of that time.
6 So I... run
The chorus is lyrically simple, and does not require any explanation! It is intended to be emotive rather than narrative, which is a trend I noticed in the songs that I wrote from this period of my life.
[Verse 2]
7 Run away from the past
8 Twisted feet and blistered hands
9 Lonely day, lonely nights
10 It's like I've lost the will to fight
11 No more...
It is appropriate to mention here in this first 'Lyrics' post that my ex, in fact, helped me to pen the second verse of this song. It was only years later that I was able to appreciate what she was trying to say.
12 And though I run for higher ground
13 I never will forget
14 The things I had, the things I found
15 Only to regret
16 The sleepless nights and wasted hours
17 I was spending in your bed
18 And I can't stand to see you now
This bridge was actually added to the original song structure retrospectively. The voice and perspective of these lyrics is also so. Quite simply, it describes the memory, guilt and the regret I felt about that part of my life, and the decisions that were made in those times.
How depressing!
- Nigel Nobody
Half Empty: Dance, Fatty, Dance!
Friday, July 17, 2009
'Half Empty' - for when I need to lash out and slap something with my cynical bitch stick...
The bane of television programming (to my mind, at least) - namely, reality television: appears to have a new spawn. Somewhere, in a dank dimly lit room, a producer scratched his (or her) head seeking to create the next big reality hit. Strangely enough, the answer must have seemed simple enough when it finally struck... just take the two most popular reality formats and cross-bred them into the living spawn of satan and all things otherworldly!
That's right...
Popular reality format no. 1 is Weight Loss - win by losing and inspire others to leave the couch. C'mon fatty, you can do it!
Popular reality format no. 2 is Dancing - you think you can, have talent, or do it with a (b-grade) star, so on so forth.
Now, place the two in an laboratory / enclosure for a week, and eureka! You have the hybrid spawn that is Fat People Dancing To Win By Losing. Genius! realise, of course, that somewhere in the deepest realms of TV land, is a little team of brigands that are laughing their galls off about making millions by making millions watch fat people dance...
- Nigel Nobody
Looking Glass: Ambition and Insecurity
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
'Looking Glass' will be any of a series of posts given to self reflection, soul searching, or otherwise unclassifiable thoughts...
Most people who know me personally will know that I am an eternally busy individual. There are very few periods in my life where I am not involved in some pursuit that is beyond the everyday. I often get asked: why? Yes like most of you out there, I work a day job. Mine is white collar and is relatively enjoyable, but has me chained to desk for 9 hours a day. Why then do I come home only to fill my free time with ambitions that generate more work?
Perhaps I am a sucker for punishment. I could after all, plonk my laurels on the sofa and stare at the magic box (or, panel as it were) watching fat people get skinny, and talent show hopefuls get crushed.
Perhaps I am bored of, and easily distracted from, mediocrity. Thus, having some incredibly difficult to achieve thing planted before me keeps me both focused and entertained. I suppose this makes more sense.
Perhaps I am a dreamer and would like to see those dreams fulfilled. But then again, each of us has dreams we would eventually like to have achieved. So, this makes me no different from the next person.
Closer to home is that deep down inside, perhaps I am insecure; Insecure about my place in the world and how I fit into the grander scheme of things; about my own expectations of self, and those of others. Maybe I am afraid that if I stop, I may only find an empty shell. Afraid that there may not be much else that defines me if I am not embroiled in some grander vision, something extraordinary.
Then, I realised. I have confused the cause, and the effect. I thought the addiction to achieve was caused by some deep personal need related to a long forgotten childhood trauma. In fact, it could be that the want of achievement is the cause of my desire to reach out to do something more with my life, whatever that may be.
In either case, I am starting to feel like life has become a never ending cycle to achieve apparently impossible goals. Good. I like it that way. It kicks ass over tabloid news, crime / medical / legal / paranormal / high-heeled dramas and reality television any day.
- Nigel Nobody
Nobody Returns!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
After an extended hiatus, I have decided to write for public consumption once again. Implicit in this decision is not any measure of value regarding my thoughts, or my words. No one may ever read them, but it is enough for me to have them said.
As well as new thoughts, I will occasionally post pieces from my back catalog collected from previous writing assignments.
If you do find any value in the maze of my mind, then all I can do is to thank you for enjoying my perspective...